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Freelance Marketplace

Looking for quality freelance work from high-value clients? Look no further. Frogig is the largest online talent solution connecting businesses and skilled freelance professionals.
Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of finding rewarding work from anywhere across the globe, including opportunities to work with startups to large, established brands.

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Once your profile score will be up to 80% then you will get an automatically verified badge in your Frogig profile. Or Frogig will choose the best freelancer to give VERIFIED badge.
Yes, Frogig allows you to take payment where ever you want but keep the conversation within Frogig so we will record a chat and take action for any violations or bad delivery, or bad behavior.
Yes, Frogig allows you to take zoom meetings or etc for the quick moves but better to all conversation goes with Frogig so it will help you when you report to someone for your bad delivery or not complete your projects then Frogig admin will take action of that freelancers or client.
There is 2 to 3 different way to get up your profile in the TOP list, if you buy any Subscription then based on Subscription you will list your profile in TOP, Also you have to verify your profiles and the admin will increase your profile score so based on Good profile your profile will be list on TOP.
These features for clients, who want a service can search freelancers by category and subcategory wise so it will be easy to filter and search freelancers by category wise.
You will get to raise your profile score by completing profile, attaching a CV, attaching your portfolio, Adding address, verifications, becoming a premium member, and after all Team frogig will check your profile, and they able to give some bonus score also. many other things like good communication, good behavior, etc.
If you want to increase your profile score then you will have to verify your profile and submit it. After client will review your all the details and will increase a score also some % you will get increase by a become a premium member (You will have to buy subscriptions to become a premium member)
A Dashboard will show you a total figure of all activities of your profiles so you will track everything there on the Dashboard.
Profile likes will show the total of how many times your profile was liked by someone else so everybody knows about your value of profile.
A profile view will show how many times your profile view by someone else so everybody knows about the value of the profile.
A profile score will show how valuable you’re and how much exp do you have so that helps clients shortlist good candidates for their projects.
Subscription means Freelancer Subscribe the Subscriptions and based on facilities subscription they will get premium features of apps also their profile will be TOP on search.
Frogig is the Platform that connects Freelancer (Service Providers) And Client (Who wants services).
No Frogig is not getting any commission and % & You will make payment where ever you want (On your own risk).